why here

why now

why here

Uh Houston, we have a problem. Yes we do. Unless you've been living in a cave or watching only the establishment media for the last few years then yes, you're probably awake and not woke. If you were born in the last 50 years then you've probably never seen anything like it.
Mostly in 'blue' states, governments are out of control. Neighborhoods once safe are now being burned and looted and because of less funding for law enforcement and no cost bail, the people that are doing it are cited and released back into your communities. Costs of fuel and food and other commodities are at prices you've never experienced. Schools aren't teaching basics anymore, just 'social' attributes, trying their best not to offend anyone yet failing at their first priorities miserably. Roads are deteriorating but fees, taxes and regulations are being piled on citizens every year.
Lets face it, things are not well in many parts of our Nation and they're not likely to get better for several years. They'll tell you that prices are down on fuel yet it's still at record highs. The news lets you know that the president says that the 4th of July picnics costs you a dollar less this year than last year as if it were a gift. The Federal Reserve recently announced it will take a few years to get things back on track. Where will your community be then?
Move now to a free State while prices are still somewhat affordable and housing is still reasonable here as it will not be getting better any time soon.
We only ask you not bring any values that helped create the mess you're experiencing now.